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Monday, August 15, 2005

first and foremost

haha, first and foremost, i finally got a blog of my own! wahaha, but as you can see im still a noob, everything on the blog comes from the default template, but well, i'll learn along the way and make tweaks here and there as i go along. kind of surprised i would make a blog for myself, since i've been quite against it quite sometime ago (used to think its sort of a way to publicise your stupid daily life and bore everyone one to death). seriously i decided to do up a blog cuz i felt that it was a good way to expression my feelings [in words] as well as record lessons learnt from eventful situations that'll happen along this path called life. so its worth making a blog to record such stuff, and one day when im feel nostalgic, just sit down with a cup of tea ( i dun drink coffee btw =P) and look through the stuff that gets post up here.

guess i haven really said this but i really enjoyed the june holidays (now's august, abit long ago, but still yeah wanna talk about it), especially that bbq sat =). thanks everyone for a wonderful memory. bestest frede, weijian, sarah, simyee, yi xian, the other guys and girls who turned up that day. class 4/1 2003 rawks!. thx for the early birthday celebration and frede and weijian, lovely cake, love it =). anyways, this is august, exactly 29 days 3 hours and 13 minutes to prelims and further on, 'A's come on people lets do it! wish you all the best, work hard and excel. cheers. =)


Blogger Freddie said...

hey hey buddy! really glad you enjoyed your june :) all for my dearest bud :) gambatte!

11:14 PM  
Blogger leena said...

hahahahahaha. BIG porky. u blushed!! hurhur. *laughs.

7:33 PM  

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