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Wednesday, February 08, 2006


being the lazy bugger, i've not updated for quite some time. not that i really had anything to update. i'm just typing some stuff now to fill up some space, just so i know i'm still alive. *checks for pulse* yes i'm very much alive, thank you very much.

the past week was quite boring. chinese new year, what can i expect? shops closed, roads closed, everywhere closed. one word says it all: BORING. but hey, i got quite a sum from my red packets, at least i'm not going to complain about that.

life's so routine now. eat, sleep, shit, play, go out, find work/work. repeat this ad infinitum. no wonder we have sad lives. ah well, nothing we can't live without right? though i discovered another of life's small joys. shopping. yes, i do enjoy shopping alot. so what if it sounds gay/pimp-ish/whatever.

i don't know what i'm typing now, everything's an incoherent mess. valentine's day is around the corner. great news for all couples and as for singles, either get attached or get more single friends to mope with or spend it alone sulking.

anyone knows of anywhere with reasonably priced but yet great chinese/thai/anything other than western/ cuisine? drop me a message will you? thanks.