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Monday, January 23, 2006

i'm not ready for chinese new year.

chinese new year is coming and i don't feel any mood or in the mood for it. strangely it seemed just yesterday when i was only a kid and whenever chinese new year comes, i'll get excited about it because of the new clothes i would get, the tons of chinese new year goodies available for my gorging pleasure and not forgetting the number of red packets i would get.

now, i can't be bothered with it anymore, no longer the innocent me (like i ever was hehehehehe). i kind of dislike visiting because its a hassle and i only go out of courtesy and even so, i don't stay at my relative's place the whole day as per tradition. even mum knows it and usually would hold me back until at least after lunch, after which i'm free to go out on my own, with my friends, go home or do whatever i want.

chinese new year goodies? sort of staying away from it since the un-innocent me knows that its damn unhealthy to eat so much oily, barbequed, sweet, salted food. as the body gets older, it gets more sensitive to such food as well. ah well, guess it's probably me who lost the interest in such food already.

red packets? i couldn't care less as to much i would get. the bigger the amount, of course, it would benefit me more since i will end up spending it all on some "useless and redundant stuff" which has "no practical use". i don't care if it is less or not, since money is not really an issue for me. not that i'm filthy rich but yes, i get by just like this.

the current kind of chinese new year does not appeal to the me now. to me, it has lost the warmness and family together-ness that is associated with it. not that i blame anyone for it. things happen, they change and i guess we have to move on, whether we like it or not. also, chinese new year, being such a major festival, not only to the chinese, but also the other races in singapore has become such a commercialized commodity it's sickening. businessmen and businesses have taken much steps to ensure as much profit is generated as possible. i mean look, they seem so desperate that even age-old commercials of Bee Chee Hiang (Mei Zhen Xiang) which i seen on television when i was like ten years old are still re-used even now. ah well, this helps to drive the economy on and what do we do if there is no money...