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Monday, January 16, 2006

lucky? i guess so

i was sitting on my usual sit on the bus 79 on my way home, looking out of the window (zoning out) and listening to Darren Hayes' "So Beautiful" on my ipod mini. and i just started to think about things all of a sudden as i always do whenever i'm alone.

i guess i'm a lucky dude. seriously. i have a family, a girlfriend who loves me (as i do her). i have shelter from the rain, food to eat, an education for a better life and some money to spend. sure, i may not be well off but hey, i'm not complaining. i belong to what you call the average household. but there are much more people in Singapore who are worse off than me. and we're not even talking about African countries/states here. In Ethopia, which is a grossly overpopulated and under developed area, how many people die from starvation, die from lack of shelter from natural disasters? we're not talking about hundreds of people nor are we talking about thousands of people. we're talking about tens and hundreds of thousands of people suffering over there. so who's getting it bad?

though being a pure Singaporean, i myself do not really like it here in Singapore. but i must admit there are things in which the government has done well in the past and has continued to do well now. credit must be given here. in the past if i were given a chance to migrate to another country or study overseas, with all expenses paid and nothing for me to worry, i'll say yes immediately without hesitation. but right now, if i were to be presented with the same situation, i'll answer with a no instead. no hesitations. no need for thoughts.

i just thought that there are too many beautiful things, beautiful people here that i've encountered at different parts of my life that i just can't let go off everything like this and head off for another country. and to give up dream for these people, is a piece of cake for me. sounds silly? think about it carefully and see how many people can do it. man is a creature who takes things for granted and i, being a human as well, am not spared from this. i definitely cannot avoid taking things for granted but i try my best to prevent myself from doing so.

and to protect all things i deem beautiful in this otherwise ugly country, i do not mind becoming the devil. there's no use being a saint. the devil is much better and much more effective at getting things done. is this fate or destiny? i'm not sure. i do not believe in that bullshit. our own fates lies in our own hands. we carve our own destiny by ourselves, with whatever abilities we possess or gain. probably this path has been determined by myself sub-consciously from the start. and i do not regret it at all. never ever.

Men are not prisoners of fate, but only prisoners of their own mind. - Franklin D. Roosevelt

The best and most beautiful things in this world cannot be seen or even heard, but must be felt with the heart. - Helen Keller


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Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's a great story. Waiting for more. »

11:51 AM  

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