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Tuesday, January 10, 2006

wimpy sales promoter

the weather's cooling down but the heat's getting up on me. literally. sitting here, my body temperature's spiraling upwards and out of hand. i guess it'll be soon before i lose my ability to think and respond. in other words, if you do not know what i mean, i'm getting a fever soon. ah well, there're many things not within my there..

the heat's getting on to me to perform on my job as well. being a sales promoter isn't easy. right from the start, mum said so and i was doubtful about it. but here i am, the seventh day of work and i realise several things:

1) i am not cut out for such sales jobs. maybe a sales assistant, but not a sales promoter.

2) i am such a wimp. i do not really dare to approach people to promote my product as per say my job. i wait for them to have some interest in my product before approaching them.

3) my detest for the typical Singaporean has increased several fold over the course of this seven work days because there are just some fuckers who are there to give you hell on an otherwise pleasant day

ah well..these are within my control. guess i'll have to change it or change job. lol

join my manager become tang lang quan (praying mantis fist) master. hahahahahahahahaha!! can hold lessons at the nearby community centre for the old folks.


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