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Saturday, February 25, 2006

lazy to type a title.

you know, its not weird that i'm not blogging very much. it shouldn't be weird. after all, i'm the lazy bugger you know. yes the lazy bugger. bums are forever bums. i figured if there ever was a need not to sleep/eat i probably wouldn't have since i'm just so lazy.

the results are coming out next week, on the first of march to be exact. i believe everyone is shivering in their beds with their heads under the pillow as they dread the passing of each day that draws the first of march closer and closer. just like every step that leads to the gallows. full of anticipation and at the same time, fear.

all except yours truly. i think i'm too lazy to even feel fear. laziness triumphs over fear, at least in my case. actually that's just bullshit. whatever comes, comes. i'll just deal with it when it comes and predicting or thinking too much isn't going to go much anywhere.

anyways i'm going to sleep, i'm so tired my limbs are giving way.