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Sunday, August 28, 2005

boring post today.

i is thinking i is losing it. i is don't know why but i is guessing it is due to the stress that i is facing now. stupid prelims. well i is just gotta learn to cope with it ba. =)

frede too. you is have to learn how to cope with your studies and don't go crazy before i is crazy. haha. btw i is read your post. you is hired!

today is a good day. i went studying with frede, simyee and sarah, the usual four of us. i is the first to reach the mac we is usually go to study (as usual). and there is this mac staff (girl of course, i don't know who, so don't ask) who kept glancing at me. according to simyee and sarah. i is quite paiseh about it but don't really care about it. anyways i and frede is cheeky and also disturbed them quite abit. haha. i swear when we left the mac they is laughing and smiling at the four of us. at me more precisely. again according to simyee and sarah. =.= all in all, today is a fruitful studying day. =)

i is thinking i will be blogging these few days. prelims are nearing, gotta concentrate even more now. i'll try to blog whenever something comes to my mind. =)



Blogger Freddie said...

thx so much bro. :) life is less bitchy with ya. for sure. haha

12:30 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

work hard for prelims. u can do it for sure. =)

2:10 PM  
Blogger g.3ne said...

thx alot ppl. =) all of you also jiayou yeah? =)

7:50 PM  

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