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Tuesday, August 30, 2005

some behavior studies.

something interesting came to my mind today and i decided to blog about it before i forgot.

it seems that most guys, i say most because from what i observe it does not involve all guys, like to shake when they're doing something. and by shaking i mean shaking a certain part(s) of their body, not their whole body in general. for example, shaking their legs, their hands, head or whatever bodily orifices that they can shake. probably many have observed this but probably did not give much thought to it because most guys do it, so it comes across as normal (you know, the warped logic where if a person does something out of ordinary, its weird but if many people do it, its considered normal). i, however, am quite interested in this natural phenomenon.

i thought about this because i happen to fall under this normal distribution graph where the majority of the guys happen to shake. yes, you did not read this wrongly. i, for one, fall victim to body-shaking phenomenon. as i thought about it, many questions start to come to my mind. is this a natural behavior? or is it something that we've been conditioned to do? why do guys do this, and for the record, certain girls? this are just some of the many questions that i thought about.

seriously i don't see the implications that shaking (usually of the legs) causes in our life. its not like if i don't shake my leg, i'd die from it or if i don't shake my leg, my other bodily orifices would start shaking on its own. the more i thought, some parts just fall into place, yet in return it brings more questions that i have to answer.

firstly, no i do not think it is a conditioned behavior, because we weren't forced to shake. who in their right mind would want to force us to shake? and for whatever goddamn reason? so i conclude that this should be a natural behavior, one that we learnt inherently, since there just isn't any external factors that i can attribute this shaking to.

second, another question that i thought of was, why guys and not girls? well, i don't really have an answer to this, but im guessing that the shaking movement seems to bring comfort and calm us down. a sort of a calm-inducer, if you can call it that way. this, of course is from my personal experience because i do indeed feel more relaxed, more calm...more shiok. i also think by shaking, it helps us to achieve a greater level of focus-ness, because from my own experience, as well as what i had observed, guys tend to shake when they're engage in doing something that requires thinking, say doing homework, studying/revising, reading or even playing games. i don't expect you would see a guy playing sports yet shaking at the same time do you? that would be both obscenely weird and hilarious.

third, just to contradict my second thought a bit girls do indeed shake! but a very small minority though. so, this led to my think, is it the cause of hormones that most guys shake and most girls don't? truly, if this is the case, then it must be some sort of breakthrough in the research of hormones; imagine hormones that induce us to shake! also, we must then consider the fact that some guys do not shake and some girls do shake. referring to my earlier statement about hormones (im guessing only, its not true or valid!), then it would mean that these guys [that don't shake] possess more female hormones than the normal level in their body while these girls [that shake] possess more male hormones than the normal level in their body. thus the start of gays and lesbians?

haha. well, i have to think more about this. meanwhile feel free to share your comments on this. and btw, happy teacher's day to all teachers who deserve it. cheerios to those who do and no kudos to those who don't. have a nice day =)


Blogger Jess said...

well according to some teacher who taught me (if i'm not wrong Mr.Ho) the person says that by shaking your legs, you can actually focus better, think its actually proven or something near that. that's why that fella actually told my class (i can't exactly remember which class really) that we should shake our legs during lessons as we would pay more attention.

well girls do not shake their legs prolly due to the fact that as you pointed out, most guys shake their legs. girls who shake their legs would then be seen as "guy-ish" and this would be undesirable on their part. also i think that girls don't shake their legs cos the first few people they saw shaking their legs were prolly uncles at some kopitiam and they were prolly turned off by this "ahpek" action, whatchacallit.

yup have a wonderful 2 day break studying ha (:

9:03 PM  
Blogger g.3ne said...

muahahaha, thx for the valuable insight! =)

11:41 PM  

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