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Wednesday, September 21, 2005

i want...i need...

being the lazy bugger that constitutes me, im back here to blog again. despite tmr having a paper. ok, at least i finished studying my notes twice. just had this inspiration to blog. its quite crap but just follow through if you want.

many times people always say that every other people have to many wants which do not necessarily correspond to what they need. this has resulted in too many, might i say, useless and redundant inventions, products, services and henceforth, the beginning of consumerism.

seriously, i think this is not necessarily as what these people say about those people. true, there are many fine occasions and examples where we can find concrete evidence that this is a fact. i do not disagree. but it also does not mean they're totally right in what they say. always two sides to a coin, if i were to comment.

there are times, when our wants do match what we need. to prove this, let me show you an example.

this is a short list of my personal wants. its longer but im just using this as an example you see.

#1. i want ... ....!
#2. i want my ear pierced! (to have that punk look)
#3. i want to dye my hair orange (same as #2)
#4. i want to cut a kwai lan hairstyle! (just so that the school disciplinary committee, and the school hair regulation committee, if there ever was one, would get a shock of their life and probably a heart failure as a bonus)
#5. i want to change my handphone! (its dying!)

now that that's done. here's a list of my personal needs. after much thought of course. i don't go around needing everything.

#1. i need ... ....!
#2. i need my ear pierced! (to complete my so-called punk look)
#3. i need to dye my hair orange (same as #2)
#4. i need to cut a kwai lan hairstyle! (just so that the school disciplinary committee, and the school hair regulation committee, if there ever was one, will get a shock of their life and hopefully a heart failure as a bonus)
#5. i need to change my handphone! (its dying on me. i just want to change it before it actually dies on me. at the same time, get a better phone.)

so now, there you go. a fine example to show you what we want does not always constitute that it is not what we need. some people, like me, have corresponding wants and needs. we know what we want and need exactly. ;)

disclaimer: the list of wants and needs are in no way fixed. they happened to be exactly the same. hehehehehehehe


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