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Tuesday, September 06, 2005

food for thought.

i was wondering about the A levels today, like why am i studying so hard for the A levels and stuff (of course the answer is to proceed to the university). i happened to think about other stuff like the university of cambridge. as we all know, we take exams that are from the UCLES, or in other words the University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate. both for the O levels and the A levels.

according to, a syndicate is defined as "An association of people or firms authorized to undertake a duty or transact specific business" or also "An association of people or firms formed to engage in an enterprise or promote a common interest" . however, a syndicate can also be defined as "A loose affiliation of gangsters in control of organized criminal activities". this makes me wonder sometimes what is cambridge up to.

but to be honest, calling them a group of criminals is too harsh a term, even for them. more accurately, i prefer calling them problem makers (pun intended). they love to give us problems to solve, in mathematics, physics, chemistry and whatever problem solving subjects available (no, chinese is NOT a problem solving subject). of course this is natural, as it is part of their job. they're paid by our government to give us problems (again, pun intended). maybe they love doing it, im not sure.

so why do i say they're problems makers? you see, the problems we get not only exist in those papers that we take in order to "gauge" our proficiency in the particular subject (more like a gauge of how much brain power or rather how much brain enhancing pills we took), but also exist in real life too. the problems comes in all shapes and sizes. most noticeably, is the stress that it gives to students like you and me. maybe more of me, im not exactly smart you see. now, that is a real problem because stress in us manifests itself in various forms. it causes some people to start muttering to themselves, some people to start talking unintelligibly, usually hearing many foreign terms like pi, pico, nano and all sorts of mumbo-jumbo, some people to break down and more.

the more serious problems are like kids who attempt suicide, usually successful ones i might say, due to the fact that they couldn't cope with the pace of studying or the workload that is dumped on top of them. wow, actually the more i say, the more it sounds like cambridge is a organization of terrorists who attack this black-dot-on-the-global-map (need i say more) with somewhat unique and different methods. methods which are meant to destabilise the society, trying to break it down causing the people to kill themselves due to stress and such. man, they don't even need to risk their lives to blow themselves up just to blow up more people or property. all they need to do is just give us problem solving papers and kids will start jumping off buildings or anywhere they can jump off. what a great and ingenious move, if the kids die out, then this black-dot-on-the-global-map will die eventually because there won't be any young generations left to propagate and continue the survival of the country.

that's awesome. seriously some food for thought.

ps: these are just my crap views. please do not go around spreading and saying that this is the truth.



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