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Monday, October 03, 2005

sucky me

yep. i suck. actually i already realised this a long time ago, just that i didn't pretty bother much about it. i seriously suck i guess, studied quite hard (i wont't say so hard since i could have studied harder) yet i got back sucky grades. it must have been my sucky mind, unable to absorb all the stuff that was taught..blah blah. sucky me + sucky mind = sucky grades.

plus i'm now having a sucky flu which i hope will go off by tomorrow because having a flu really sucks. i totally dislike getting flu and sore throats. they make your nose and throat suck like hell. crap, sore throats are suck so much that sometimes i just feel like cutting the goddamn throat. same with the nose.

don't know why, but i just feel like blogging this loh. i must be in a sucky mood, with a sucky atmosphere, sucky mentality and sucky what-have-yous. guess life can't pretty suck as much as now.

damn this sucky life. =(

signing off,
your royal suckiness.


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