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Friday, January 20, 2006

i'm still alive

after staving off blogging for like 4 days, i thought i should try to update abit. just to make sure you guys know that i'm still alive. i wasn't blogging because i was too freaking bored, i did not have anything nice to blog about (not that i have anything nice to blog about now either).

anyway, i'll just blog what comes to my mind now.

Bus Hikes (old shit)
first off, i really want to save a big "Thank You Very Fucking Much" to our beloved public transport, the SBS and TransIsland buses for providing suched lousy and fucked up bus service to the whole of the Singaporean population. Monopolisation of the public transport is like this; they get to raise the stupid fares by 10 cents or 5 cents or how many cents whenever they want and whenever they feel like it. yeah i'm bitching about this little insignificant 10 cents or 5 cents. to an individual it is insignificant, but to the bus monopoly such as SBS/TransIsland, it means even more money made. 10 cents earned from one million passengers means an earning of one hundred thousand dollars. now that's not a small sum. and for the record, the bus service provided is still so lousy before and after all these fare hikes. the only thing i saw improving was the buses themselves, with now almost all buses air conditioned, and more running on natural (read: expensive) gas. the service is still fucked up, i must emphasize this. it is not fun when you see four bus 98s pass by one single bus stop that you had not reach and and wait for the next half to one hour for a bus 98 and not a single goddamn one comes by. so fuck you SBS.

Singapore Idol
i must say that Singaporeans really suck at creating original things. look at the title! Singapore Idol. wow, it was so original i thought Americans copied us because they has American Idol. come on, think of your own name. people can tell that it was copied from the American Idol by our local media so as to get those suckers glued to their televisions to watch it and generate more profit for our friendly local television station. and unfortunately, we have people who are suckers for such shit. too many suckers in fact, so much so that each television channel just had to come up with their own singing competition. Suria with some malay singing stuff. Channel 8 with their Jue Dui Superstar (too lazy to type in chinese). the Vasantham Central doesn't need any singing competition since they're always singing and dancing in their lame shows anyway. be more fucking original can?

Wei Lian (winner of the first Superstar)
which brings me to my next point. i think Wei Lian sucks. in fact i hate him. why? because he is blind and i am just that prejudiced. if you're blind, just stay blind and stay out of the fucking limelight. i must say that most Singaporeans have poor standards when they judge a person whether he or she is to be a superstar. i mean, look, being a superstar means that you not only have to be talented at singing and dancing and doing all the typical superstar shit, but it also means you got to have the looks! not looking like you're zoning out when you sing, staring off into space as though you're imagining some romantic scene and being a dopey shithead. looks is a major criteria for being a superstar. so what you have the most badass voice for singing. your stupid dopey zoned out look is a sure mood-killer. so screw you wei lian.

thats it for now, can't think of anything except such stuff. til then.