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Thursday, January 05, 2006

what a day what a day.

i realised i've been too polite when i'm posting on my blog and seriously sometimes the things that come to my mind are cleaned up and processed before they are uttered by my mouth. for example, what the fuck? becomes what the hell/freak? so, for now, i'm gonna heck care it and just say what i really think. about today of course.

yes, today was a fucked up day. first my job was fucking boring since there were so sales and i met quite a few fucked up customers. real fucked up. but before that, my manager came and find me today and even bought me a drink. of course my "omigawd i fucked up detector" went off like crazy. true enough, he asked me if i had any problems working and of course i said no. really, i didn't have a problem working. maybe the customers at jurong point are such fucktards and so bloody dumb and ignorant they don't know about what i'm selling.

anyway my manager told me that the big boss over at the office was asking how come i did not make any sales yet. yes, people who started the same time on this as me have already made a few sales, but hello? what the fuck? today is only the second day i started work and what kind of fucking sales do you want? ten products sold in a day? i say fuck you! but of course, i did not say it out to my manager lah. although he has really screwed up hands. have you seen before the shaolin kickass praying mantis fist? yeah his hands were locked like that. all the time. maybe he is a master of the praying mantis fist??? haiya! no bully me, if not i kick your jackass! hahahahahahahaha. ok enough laughing at his deformed hands.

so that's one thing. there's two more things that kind of pissed me off today. yeah well i work at guardian, down at that dank, stupid shitty basement in some you-know-where shopping mall. and over at guardian, i have this booth for myself. to sell my product. and it has this annoying advertisement that i can almost memorise after listening to it looped over and over and over....

two indian guys approached me, and talked to me in their fucking thick indian accent. like the fuck i can understand what they're talking about. but being so fucking brilliant, i could make out what they wanted from me, by reading their lips. i'm smart yeah? so don't ask how come i can read lips. yeah and they both (on separate occasions) asked me how to get to the post office. it sounded to me like push offpik. i even remembered a chinese guy asking me this same thing. i was quite pissed off by this and i just pointed them the direction. seriously they're really some fuckheads. the BIG sign with the words POST OFFICE (with an arrow up ahead) was just behind them and they still ask me where is the goddamn post office. from this i can conclude two things. one being, their eyes grow on their assholes and hence they can't fucking see the big sign. and two, they are shortfucks who can't see anything above their head, for fuck's sake. bloody shortfucks, next time lift up your fucking head and look carefully before asking. do i look like the fucking directory to you? is the word "DIRECTORY" embosses/carved/printed on my forehead? fuck you understand?

and the third thing that pissed me off was another shortfuck, who might have been a potential customer but sadly i was mistaken. since i do not know his name (nor do i wish to) let's just call him mr. short dumbfuck/dumb shortfuck, mr. sdf/dsf. so mr. dsf came over and asked me what this product was. like every other fucking imbecile that came before him. as my job yeah, i answered all this queries and stuff, thinking he was a potential customer. boy, was i fucking wrong to the core. at first he asked those normal questions like any other imbeciles would ask. then as he was trying out the product, this was what happened

mr. dsf: so does this work during a power surge?
me: ...
me: uh, i'm not sure about that.
me: *thinks* why the fuck do you want it to work during a power surge? are you fucking dumb?
mr. dsf: oh i see...
me: well, would you like to get a set sir?
mr. dsf: let me consider..i saw this on the internet, but i forgot whether its this or's something similar..*walks off*
me: *mumbles* what the fuck, don't act like you're considering when you actually can't afford you dumbfuck. do i look like the bloody techinician to you? nbcb.

the moment he asked me that power surge shit, my heart sank. deep inside me, i was thinking "what the just had to spoil my hope" seriously, this may sound biased, but hey, i don't really give a fucking damn! most jurong point shoppers (in case you don't know where i work) especially the adults, are such shitass, ignorant dumbfucks. who can't lift their heads to read signs and don't know what in the bloody hell are they asking a salesman.

bunch of imbeciles. fuck you understand?

fucking off.

p.s. this blog is so cool! exactly like what i was talking about flower languages. only that this guy is more cool, has better sarcasm and wit and of course language than me. read on!


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