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Monday, March 06, 2006

i look like a twit last time

i was doing some minor spring cleaning of my room earlier today, and i happen to come across some of my photos that were left forgotten in the drawer, collecting dust, cobweb and all sorts of nasty nonsense. since i had nothing much to do, i flipped through them to see what photos they were. basically they were photos that stretch all the way back to when i was in secondary one. maybe the photos jolted back some long forgotten memories, but they sure are nostalgic.

humans are sure funny creatures. within the span of a few years, our looks, attitudes and behaviours can take on a drastic 180 degree change. looking at myself, i'm actually quite amazed at how much my looks, attitude and behaviour have changed..maybe not so much of the behaviour part since i'm still a darn lazy bum and full of shit guy. but yes, i've changed much. i looked like a total nerd and twit last time, less twit-ish and nerd-ish as the years passed and now, this current look. many probably don't know what the hell i'm talking about but those who are closer to me, would understand me clearly. in short i look fugly last time. attitude wise, i was a hardworking and studious boy who thought all i had to do was study and study and study. introvert at heart and not easily open to others, it is very different now. now, studying is not everything, although of course it is important, but making sure the relationships are well and healthy are of equal importance as well.

anyways i look so much better now and i've grown more mature as well. ok i can't remember what else i want to blog about. time for the oscars!


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