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Sunday, March 12, 2006

open house-ed

i went to the open houses of the respective universities recently, NUS, NTU and SMU with pei wen. my first grouse is that NUS and NTU are big; too big in fact that i had a hard time finding my way around. firstly the signs are redundant and they don't help you to get to where you want to go. by redundant i mean, there are signs to tell you what places there are (etc the school of mechanical and aerospace engineering) but there are no arrows to point the bloody direction. so how the hell would a potential student like me find the place? bad points for both nus and ntu. besides the buildings look old and rather run down.

also, many friends who are now studying in nus have complained that the system there sucks. although i'm not sure what system they mean... but anyway another bad point too for the number one university in singapore.

smu, on the other hand, was rather impressive. probably because it was as established as the two other universities and hence, a relatively newer and modern site. another reason is probably also because that the campus wasn't as big as the other two. however, what made me take a second look at the place is because it was relaxing and my kind of place for studying.

anyway, i still have no idea what to apply for...have to think about it pretty soon. hai


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Best regards from NY! » » »

11:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

best regards, nice info » » »

3:03 PM  

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