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Saturday, October 15, 2005

very the sibei sians.

i'm very the sibei sians today, so i just thought of blogging what i did today, just for the kick of it.

be warned, its very the sibei sians one.

today, morning wake up then went to download some anime stuff on the comp. then thinking also when got time to get the hamster cage for my sister's hamsters. maybe after A levels. also slack around awhile 'cause still haven't work up the mood to study yet. also i clocked a record of 159 times of Sum 41's "Pieces" on my iTunes. an excellent song if you ask me, making it the top song of my choice currently. it's even playing as i type so probably will hit 200 times today.

around near noon, i went to bathe, fiddled with my new haircut. i went to cut my fugly hair yesterday you see. its quite alright if you ask me. and the funny thing was, there was a girl who asked her friend if i look shuai or not. she spoke so loud that not only leena heard, but me as well, although i wasn't really sure until i asked leena after that. i was quite embarrassed by it because i could sense that [even without my spectacles as i was having my haircut] she was staring in my reflection on the mirror. we had a good laugh after that. i'm nowhere near shuai lah seriously. people are like blind these days man.

as usual, i went to mac to study with sarah today. and as usual its super boring. but surprisingly today i saw youni [remember i had a previous post which i said that there was a mac girl staff who was looking at me]. i found out her name since then. quite duh, i knew since she was wearing a nametag with her name "Youni" on it. so yeah, i studied there while sarah was on her way. and i also found out that she was only secondary four. she looked older than me lah! or maybe i look young...too young...=.=.

when sarah came, the first thing she told me was that youni was there, so i was like yeah i know loh. then sarah said that youni was beoh-ing me. for your information, beoh-ing is a dialect term, quite a crude term, implying that someone, either a girl or boy checking out another girl or boy. so for example, we can have a girl beoh-ing a boy or a boy beoh-ing a girl. or a girl beoh-ing a girl and a guy beoh-ing a guy. talk about gays and lesbians man. when sarah said that i blur diao, like who the crap wants to beoh me anyway? i asked her how she knew so and sarah said that youni was looking around the corner. and i asked her if she was sure that is considered as beoh-ing because before sarah came, youni did that a few times already. then sarah laughed at me and said that wah so youni has already beoh-ed me a few times liao ah. i thought, bad taste lah, she blind then eyes pa stamp and can't see well then want to beoh me.

so i just shrug my shoulders and continued to do my studying. then later on in the afternoon, there was another girl who beoh-ed me again! this one from my secondary school, she did it like quite obviously...=.=. me and sarah were sitting at the tables near the restroom then this girl, i don't know who, was proceeding to the restroom with a couple of her friends. i happened to look up because i was thinking about a question then i caught her turning around and looking at me. so obvious lah! even without sarah telling me i also knew that she was beoh-ing me. why i say obvious because i was directly in her line of view and there wasn't anything or anyone else she could turn and look. and for the record why would she want to do so since she was going to the restroom? scared i will go peep at her is it? my notes better to peep at than her lah. and she irritated me last time because she kept shaking the bloody bench which was being shared by me and her a long time ago when i was studying for the prelims.

anyways, i studied until i was quite bored then went home. like everytime i go there also kena beoh. sians lah, why don't have anyone there i can beoh? quite an ego-boosting thing, but not much of a use since ego is really nothing much. and they only dare to beoh and do nothing else. i'd salute them if they ever dare come and talk to me or something. haha.

girls these days are getting bolder. althought this is not a very bad thing i must say. keep it up girls. hahahahahahahahahahaha!!!


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