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Saturday, December 10, 2005

i am ill!! but i found work

crap. i am not feeling well. =.= had a diarrhoea attack just now while i was in town. as a result me and pei wen had to give the nydc ice cream dessert a miss. anyways she was quite tired and her mum was asking her to head home earlier, so probably we'll go for the dessert another day. i'm really quite unlucky lah. i really did not expect myself to have diarrhoea.

what i meant was that i only thought i was suffering from abdominal muscle ache and not diarrhoea. that "whoah oh my god i think i'm gonna crap in my pants" diarrhoea. yes that kind. =.=

earlier i had dinner at pastamania. bad move! the pasta only serve as a catalyst to speed up the reaction of getting the diarrhoea sensation. really bad move. but ah well, i can't really blame anyone since no one, not even me, to suffer diarrhoea. *grumbles* and i thought it was just abdominal muscle ache...

but anyways the good thing is that i found work at g2000 today over at ngeen ann city. all thanks to pei wen. ^^. and i'm starting working tomorrow. which meant the diarrhoea really came at a wrong time. well, at least i took some chee-na medicine and hopefully tomorrow i'll feel much better (i really hope i do! diarrhoeas suxxor!!!11) so i can work the full shift.

*hums* money money money..must be money...

got 8 free preview tickets to king kong this coming tuesday. woohoo!!


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