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Friday, November 25, 2005

look while you drive damn it

yeah i was on my way home when i almost got knocked down by a car. the stupid bugger charged across the red light, when it was time for ME to cross the road instead of him. he's extremely blind in my honest opinion. seriously, charge across the road when the lights are red just to pick up his girlfriend? regardless of the consequences? like knocking down a person, getting demerit points, barred from driving possibly a fine and a jail sentence. what the hell is he thinking anyways?

anyways its such people who give the government the reason to increase the age limit for driving and drinking. he probably wasn't even drunk because he could apologise to me. i was very tempted to flip him the universal finger but yeah, i decided not to because i can't be bothered with the likes of him. then again, i wasn't too shocked when this happened. haha. maybe i was not afraid of dying.

but anyways the point is, don't bloody charge across the road like it belongs to your father, your grandfather or great grandfather. and in case you don't know how to drive or forgotten to rules, a trip back to driving school will do you much good. as well as many innocent people around you.


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