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Sunday, January 01, 2006

and a merry new year...

woot, its officially 2006, the new year that we've all been waiting for. first of all, a merry new year to one and all. may all your wishes/dreams/hopes come true. good luck to those entering ns/those going back to school to study (poor suckers) and everybody else who is doing one thing or another.

2005 ended off in a great way, and the ushering of 2006 is definitely not one to be criticised as well. many new and exciting things lie await for all of us. for me, it would be entering national service. other exciting things (according to my definition of exciting) would be the release of the playstation 3 and nintendo revolution. a whole new war is coming. woohoo! console war here we come! next up would be the world cup 2006! it is nevertheless one of the most exciting and happening events around. of course it would be, with all the bettings, winnings and losings, who wouldn't be excited? all people alike, whether soccer fanatics or not will be caught up in this soccer fever one way or another.

as of now, there are many thoughts running through my head. i'll only speak of a few here. one thing is, i'm officially off from junior college life (unless my results suck ass and i have to retain). the prom that was held on the 30th of december at suntec ballroom truly marked the end of my life in junior college. wonderful and hated memories alike i shall bring with me, for better or for worse (probably the latter). more about the prom later as i have yet to receive photos from friends and these photos will subsequently be posted up, so await for more updates.

to all my friends, especially those closer and dearer to my heart (you know who you are, there's no need to name names), i wish you all the best to your health, your pockets, and your mind. study hard for those still stuck in school and do well. train hard for those entering national service with me. most importantly stay happy always. i'll not forget anyone of you and i hope the same goes for you to me (i hope la).

once again, merry new year. i'll sign off here and post more stuff in the next update. =)



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