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Thursday, December 29, 2005

gah. outdated update

whoah, i managed to recover from a bout of spyware attacks on my computer through system restore. probably there are many more trojans and spyware hidden deep within the files but ah what the hell, i shall not be bothered with it as long as it doesn't surface. as dexun would say, "aiya hiew lan it lah, scan or don't scan also still have."

yesterday had a great shopping day with pei wen. i also found a job at energie eyecare, a company over at the ministry of national development building selling this device that reduces myopia and improves vision. to say the least, the pay itself is ridiculously good. but i'll keep quiet about that, not sure whether they're still hiring but anyone looking for a job can try to give them a call.

i bought a pair of levis 505 regular straight cut jeans waist size 28 for only $52.40. how cheap is that?!! granted the 505 may be a old make, but still, its not everyday that you can buy a pair of levis for only $52.40.

i'll start my traineeship from tomorrow and there's prom tomorrow as well! finally here it comes, getting somewhat bored from waiting for it. actually i'm kind of bored to go prom since there's nothing much i can do there. eat, talk, drink, take photos. what else? and i also can't go for the countdown with the rest since i'll need to work on saturday. suxxor!!!111 but well..the pay's good...too good to be true in fact...

i also watched the chronicles of narnia with a big fat ass on tuesday. leena' big now lah. eat and eat and eat. and complain that she's big, what crap. but anyways, the movie was good, although some parts were annoyingly irritating/irritatingly annoying. sis says she wants to buy the books. great idea! but not now though because with all the hype around it'll definitely inflate the prices of the books. and i can read them as well...hehehehehehehehehe. that was a fun day out with fatty since we haven't seen each other for godzilla years.

school's starting. happy studying! hehehehehehehehehe

happy working/money earning to me. =D

p.s. i'm such a jackass but i love it!


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