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Monday, March 13, 2006

feeling shitty. maybe i am shitty.

life's b-o-r-i-n-g now. real b-o-r-i-n-g. i stay at home everyday and play games, while counting down my numbered days before i go off to the dog army. roughly three more weeks or so left on my available-to-have-fun status. yeah, in there i'm trained to sit, sleep, eat, shit and all sorts of "tricks". how interesting..and i couldn't ask for more. (in case you don't get it, i'm just being sarcastic)

maybe i should just challenge myself to a mini contest. a contest to see how long i can stay at home without going crazy. the prize would be...a sane mind. i haven't mention about the fact that i have not applied for any university courses yet, honestly its a big question that is becoming a big problem for me to grapple. there's many things i want to do and with so many choices, simply speaking i'm spoilt for choice. i guess i shouldn't rush it or take too much time. just hope that i can make a wise enough decision that balances between ambition/dream and practicality.

i recently just picked up playing ragnarok online, so if anyone is playing as well, care to join me? my in-game name is hinamoto (don't ask me why i have such a name or whether if it sounds gay, i don't know myself either). easy to play but somewhat boring to train on your own.

maybe i'm just wasting my life away. gah. anyone got any ideas (good ones please, shitty ideas will be duly ignored) what can a person do on this shitty little island? i feel like i suck now.