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Wednesday, May 16, 2007

I was rather pissed waiting for the bus today on my way home. I mean, waiting 25 minutes for the bus is somewhat overboard. Mind you, it's 25 minutes, not 2 point 5 minutes. That's 1500 seconds of my life that trickled away at the bus stop. Of course, I could have just been a garang soldier and run all the way home but I'm too cool for that. Actually I just didn't want to perspired and I'm too lazy to do so anyway.

I guess this is the kind of standard that we get for price hikes in bus fares. Wait a minute, who am I shitting? What standard is there? As far as I'm concerned, and every other self-thinking individual of the public, the bus standard is sorely lacking. This is not the first time that buses are late or you find many of the same bus number stopping at the same bus stop as if it was some "Same Bus Number Party" (oh whee! a party!). Buses are "supposed" to reach each bus stop within 15 minutes of travel. I think there's too much supposing on both parties' side, in that, we the members of the public will think that buses are "supposed" to reach the bus stop within 15 minutes of travel while the bus drivers think they are "supposed" to take their own time.

I'm not discounting the fact that traffic jams or slow traffic will affect the time at which buses reach the bus stop. But surely, it doesn't have to take 25 minutes for the bus to reach the bus stop if some form of effort (clearly not there) was made to do so.

Anyway, on the bus there was a guy talking to his friend on the phone. Apparently he was unhappy at the bus service and was complaining about it to his friend. I wanted to tell him that I agreed with him but I was afraid he would beat me up for being nosy and eavesdropping on his conversation. I vErY tHe sCArEd dE wOrXxX hIak HiAk.

Come on, I must be shitting myself. I'll probably pound that guy into dust instead.

Also, there was this guy who I really think have shit for brains. He was standing on the aisle of the bus, with his bag and 2 big plastic bags lined in a row in front of him. To make things worse, he was gripping the overhead metal bars on both sides of the bus, ensuring that everyone around him was treated to a delightful sensation of his pungent odour. He was blocking almost everyone in front and behind him but apparently the other passengers were tolerant enough of him. I couldn't give a shit since I was sitting on the seat beside where he stood and wasn't affected.

Honestly, he could have grown some brains at the point when the bus started to clear and there were less passengers around. So now, we have not only poor bus standards but also idiot passengers. What a great combination.

Price hikes due to rising petrol costs - 3 cents
Block bus aisle with bags laid on the floor - 3 standing spaces gone
Growing a brain and develop some common sense - priceless

For everything else, there's always Mastercard.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

So racist. Careful someone reads your blog and report you to the police.

10:06 PM  

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