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Thursday, August 24, 2006

its been such a long time since i've last blog. a long spell it is. anyways, i don't have much stuff to blog about these days either. work either sucks or is boring. army life gets to you once your work becomes a routine. it is like part of an assembly line, doing the same thing in and out every day.

no wonder i felt that my IQ dropped massively. i feel like a retard.

life is so mundane now, the thing that i'm looking forward to is the medical appointment with my orthopaedic (read: bone specialist) on the fourth next month. something is wrong with my knee and it hurts rather bad when walking and even sitting down. i might have tore my ligament.

ah well, if it's really the case, it would be my first every operation. definitely scared because anything can happen. i just hope for the best for myself. i hope you guys do too! (you better!)


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