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Monday, March 27, 2006

there're tons of things on my mind now. firstly is that stupid uncle of mine who only knows how to scold me. if i do not call my grandma or go see her, its my choice, so shut the fuck up. better yet, you might want to go fuck yourself or fuck a spider depending on which you prefer. this is the modern singapore alright and we have the right to do whatever the fuck we want and you should keep that foul mouth shut. if you can't do that, i would be glad to help you keep it shut however my preferable method would be to use ultra strong super glue since its one hundred percent guaranteed to work. yeah, so fuck you uncle. you stupid fucking piece of useless shit.

the next thing is that army's approaching, in which i will be entering on next friday. hopefully everything goes well and my wrist will be ok by then. it would be better still if the army personnel does not think the old injury is serious enough to drop my pes status. ah! i don't want to work as some clerk or anything related to boring jobs. that's not army, that's mindfuck. it drives you crazy and makes you detest the army.

i've also sent my applications to NUS, NTU and SMU. let's just now kick back and relax and see which university decides to accept me. i haven't paid the appplication fees though, hehehehehe. so people, please remind me alright? bomb my handphone with calls or messages if you must, but please remind me! i'm terribly forgetful.

i'm currently listening to canon in d. somehow or rather it soothes the savage beast (sounds cliche, but its useful so who cares?) in me. probably i'm getting more easily angered (especially by that fucked up uncle). i guess i should throw all these negative thoughts to the back of my mind and enjoy my numbered days! eleven more days (excluding today) before i become a dog...hai. life can't get any worse now can it.