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Tuesday, March 28, 2006

i am not a popcorn fan. its not a recent thing or what but rather i've always not been a popcorn fan just that i do not voice it out. eating popcorn just isn't nice. it isn't that satisfying. it is tasteless and makes me feel like i'm eating some clouds. they even look like clouds! only that these "clouds" are somewhat yellowish, as if aged or something. eating popcorn to me is just like...eating air. exactly like the phrase that some hokkien or teochew or whatever dialect came up with...jiat hong (eat air).

its the same with munching on nachos. although the cheesy cheese that comes with it is rather appealing the nachos themselves just don't make the cut. nachos are tasteless as well, similar to popcorn but they sure don't feel like eating air. rather it feels like eating oversize sand grains; tasteless and crunchy and grainy. besides it is not healthy to eat too much of nachos as well.

eating a hot dog bun is just different. yes, totally different. the satisfying feeling that you get when you sink your teeth into the bun, then the hot dog and swallowing the whole warm bite and feel it sliding down your throat (of course chewing it well first. we don't want to choke do we). its good. uh huh its real good. its the real stuff, unlike eating popcorn or nachos.

i miss my hot dog buns. =(


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