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Sunday, June 11, 2006

measure of a man

i have not blogged for the past two months, due to enlistment and other personal stuff.

today is my first blog after such a long hiatus and much procrastination.

recently i've been bogged down with numerous issues it seems. issues that i have to face no matter what. its hard, but i guess i just got to grit my teeth and get it on.

i've wondered about this for quite sometime. know the song by clay aiken, "measure of a man"? indeed, how is a man measured?

by the length of his manhood?

by how much he earns and spends and how much he gives to charity?

by how affluent his background is?

by how popular he is with his friends and people around him. do people like him alot? do we measure a man?

after much thought, i came up with this notion. do get me wrong, this is only what i think how a man is measured. it is definitely not the sole method to measure a man.

i believe a man is measured by so many different factors that its staggering. in fact it is not possible to measure a man. however in my opinion, if i were to measure a man based on one attribute alone, this impossible act becomes a possibility. now then, what do we measure a man against? surely there must be a particular factor or attribute that we measure him by. i, for one, would measure him by how much he gives and sacrifices for his loved ones. it does not necessarily have to be his immediate family alone, but also his spouse or girlfriend, his close friends.

to be able to sacrifice for his loved ones, i think there is nothing in this world that is more noble than this. one does not have to earn big bucks or be popular to do that. it is purely an act of love. nothing complicated, just to do the best and be the best one can to make his loved ones happy and safe. that i say, is a man.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cool blog, interesting information... Keep it UP » » »

2:30 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a great site » »

9:26 AM  

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