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Saturday, November 19, 2005

the day after exams

yeah, yeah the exams are finally over. everyone's going around in chirping happily about how they are finally released. ah whatever, i can't be bothered to do that.

came home only early this morning, about 2.30 a.m. 'cause i went to watch harry potter and the goblet of fire. hah, what goblet of fire, i'd extinguish it with a gob of my saliva. hahahahahaha. the show was not really up to everyone's anticipation and expectation. quite...meh. everything about the movie was so-so. however, in particular, i was disappointed in the acting of dumbledore a.k.a. dumby ( i think he should be called dumbo. maybe dumbass). it was super fake, super crap performance by some new oldie (hahahahahaha!! new oldie!), whom i can't be bothered to find out what his name is.

anyways mum pissed me off this moring. kaopeh kaobu about my pierced ear. so what man. its just a freaking ear stud.



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