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Wednesday, December 14, 2005

kong, the eighth wonder of the world!

this is seriously a great movie not to be missed ladies and gentlemen. i went for the preview movie yesterday all thanks to free preview tickets from uncle. went with pei wen, frede and sumei and had tickets for sarah and her boyfriend and xinrui and her boyfriend. the movie, with all its hype, was not a disappointment. it was great and director peter jackson delivered another great movie once again.

the movie was slightly longer than 3 hours and there were lots of action lah. especially when driscoll went to save the female lead, ann. but what i was most impressed by the movie was not only the landscape and action (i bet cgi was used in massive dosages) but rather the way director peter jackson captured the feeling at a particular moment in the different scenes. for example, fear was the emotion that i could feel most significantly when the ship entered the foggy area in the sea and everyone was listening and looking out for rocks and walls.

also what set me off thinking also was that the ship's entire crew set off to rescue ann when she was taken away by the big kong himself/herself/itself (not sure whether its a male or not, there are no signs of any reproductive organs). i think this is what we call humanity as the crew braved all sorts of dangers, from vicious dinosaurs to huge ass creepy crawlies and king kong too, not to miss it.

indeed it was the beauty that killed the beast, as denham played by jack black said, when king kong died a tragic death, falling from the top of the empire state building.

truly a magnificent movie and yet another great production by director peter jackson. kudos to the man.

p.s. there were several funny areas, such as the fact that skull island was said to be uninhabited by man, yet there were natives there. so they are not humans? then what? maybe they think they are kong's children since they're so black, but so it mr. hayes what (first mate of the ship) what. he is a black guy lehs.

another one would be the fact that new york city is SO brightly lit when the ship was leaving at the start of the movie. too brightly lit in my opinion that it doesn't look like the era in which the movie was set, presumably the industrial revolution. you have to watch the movie for yourself to know what i am talking about ;)


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