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Wednesday, December 21, 2005

so far.

yep, i'm going to quit working at g2000 soon. time to look for another job. why quit you ask me? because the working hours are crap i tell you. i was looking at my schedule the other day, to my horror/disbelieve/amazement, i'm going to get all 6 - 11pm shifts for the time i'm left there. how sucky can that get? and get this thing, i'm working in town and not some place there is near and accessible to my home. quite the opposite in fact. the only cheap transport home available to me would be to take the 143 bus at the stop nearest to Heeren, which lasts for an hour. great, an hour wasted on traveling so that would make reaching home to be about 12.30a.m. or so. ah well, i'm only working til this saturday. the manager told me i'd have to work til the 26th, which is the coming monday and i told her great, i'd be happy to work til then. of course its great! the 26th is my off day and since i already got off on the 25th, this means i would only have to work til the 24th which is this saturday. hehehehehehehehe, she didn't realise what she did. poor thing.

anyways, another thing i'd like to take note of for myself, which is something i observed. i recently have not read the papers with the same intensity or fervor as i used to. probably because devouring news in the past had a link with enhancing my general knowledge for general paper. now, there's no need for that anymore. haha. also, there's nothing much to read in the papers or rather, the news have become relatively uninteresting and bland. most articles are on the fervant blasting of the old NKF management and how suxxor!!!111 it is. luckily bastards like never trust the NKF since time memorial and i've never been a sucker to donate to them. charitable organizations in the home state are simply not as charitable as they seem to be.

a good recent example would be yesterday. as i was heading to heeren with yihao, weijie and gabriel, we were stopped by a few young and apparently immature girls (who are trying to act mature with their mascara and eyeliner). they wanted to get us to donate by buying a shitass 10 dollar keychain in the shape of a canned drink such as Coca-Cola, Pepsi, 7-Up and the likes. asthetically speaking, the keychains are a disgrace and sight to behold. they are not constructed well and looked as if the can body was made from leftover party poppers. and so these few girls were trying to act mature and cooing incessantly and persistently to get us to either buy the bloody keychain (a general rip-off) or donate 2 dollars for some unknown charitable organisation. while we manage to hem and haw our way out of the situation, yihao did ask them if they receive commission for the keychains they sold and a voice from nowhere (funny how it appears) said that they only receive commission for every 80 dollars they raised (cheated is a better word). upon hearing that, we could only politely tell them to screw off (f*** off rather).

singapore isn't so charitable. come on, you gotta admit it.


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