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Sunday, December 18, 2005

a disgruntled and bloated part timer.

yeah and i just reached home. had dinner at mum's place with pei wen. as usual, the food there was awesome, a seafood buffet..simply great..or is it? and the usual me gorged on all the delicious food laid out there. not my fault what. they're just lying there waiting for me to eat them up ma. as a result, had a badly bloated up stomach (don't know why my appetite these days are soooo small, dammit) which i resorted to using lousy means to solve (read: self induced puking). anyways thanks to mum for that wonderful dinner.

i'd also want to kaopeh about my current job. SUXXOR!!11. working at g2000 sucks! totally! the working hours are crap and the pay sucks, for the kind of workload i get. seriously i work 2pm - 11pm almost every time i work, i hardly get the morning shift and i can never negotiate over the timetable. what the hell! i'm only a part timer, not a full timer. this is real crap, i really want to get a change of job. it is not to say i dislike the work there but honestly, i rather under-work than over-work for that kind of measly shit pay.

my manager is definitely scheming to work me to death la. i just saw my timetable and i realised i have a full shift sometime next week. huh?!?! a part timer working full shift? hopefully those other jobs which i had applied while i was working at g2000 would give me a god-sent call and liberate me from this madness. truly madness.

signing out.

roar. =(


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