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Wednesday, December 21, 2005

flower language is way not cool.

funny how these days people like to pepper their conversations (by conversations i mean messaging on the msn or through sms) with tons of additional...what i would called flowery language. of course, at the onset of such widespread influence of the media as well as peers, it is not surprising to see such flowery language (maybe i should call it the flower language) popping up everywhere. sounds like the hippies in the 60s eh?

at first it was a pretty standard form of jargon that was commonly used by people, namely girls and some kiddos. kiddos as in boys who do not act their age (whether it is acting younger or older - i.e. being childish) or really young boys who know nothing better.

as time passes the flower language slowly starts to evolve itself, with more variations and even more flowery stuff coming out here, there and basically everywhere. maybe you are confused by what i am talking about here. so let me give you an example.

me: yo what's up? i'm bored...
hippie wannabe: hahaz/hahax, boredz/boredx arhx/arhz..go out lorx/lorhz/norz/nor/norx

me: go out? nah...i don't have money spend now.
hippie wannabe: lolz/lolx, denx/denz/go sleep or what lohz/lohx/lorx/lorz/lorhz...

see what i mean by flower language now? the words are stuck on with these frilly bits, in an attempt to make them look nicer? wow, what a cool concept. but as much as i applaud it for its creativity (it has to come from someone's creativity what, if not how would it even exist?), it is nevertheless an excellent way to irritate a person. hahaz.

to be honest, the above excerpt on an imaginary conversation actually should be deemed as the basic level of the flower language. the more advanced level, or more power level of the flower language would be this. iMaGiNe iF I sTaRt TyPiNg In BiG AnD sMaLl fOnTs WHicH mAkE rEAdiNg sUcH a bITch. nOt To mEnTiOn taT sHoRTfOrMs ArE pRaCtICalLy aBUsEd n uSeD aT eVerY oPpOrTuNiTy aVaiLaBle. BcUz i lIkE iT tIs wAyzZz mAaxXx. hAhAzx.

more than five minutes was used up to demonstrate that example of 3 lines/38 words. its a wonder we are able to adapt to such confusing jargon. again, demonstrating the human's ability to adapt and survive. surely, if we do not adapt, i predict a worldwide phenomenon..actually a nationwide phenomenon of red eyes, increased shortsightedness as well as cases of people turning blind. hahaz. bCUz i lIkE iT tIs wAyzZz mAaxXx. hAhAhAHaHazXz.


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