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Sunday, December 11, 2005

so sad.

wah kao...i still don't feel any better from yesterday. if any, i feel worse! its only morning and i already went to the toilet 5 times! hai, i think i'm gonna shit until i die and i'll die a lonely death because there's no one at home right now. my stomach hurts. my ass hurts. sobs.

and today is the first day of work for me! simply stunning, i can't even walk properly, let alone entertain customers. what a joke. i found a job yesterday just to lose it today. i don't think i can turn up for work. sians, first day of work and i can't go, surely get sacked one loh. i mean where in the world have you heard of a person not attending first day of work? its simply, absolutely nonsense. even though i encourage workers' welfare but this is definitely not acceptable, even for myself

how how how...maybe i just rot and die at home lah.

stupid diarrhoea.


*pumping that glass of hot water*


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