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Wednesday, May 09, 2007

I wanted to post about yesterday's event but i was sleeping deep in thought about how I am going to complete the unified theory and end all theories.

Yesterday was my department's 7th anniversary and we celebrated it at Blooie's Roadhouse which was located at The Aquarius near the Science Park II. I must say that the food was on the overall, decent; not too good but not too bad either. I should give some credit to the pumpkin soup which I found tasted better than the main dish I had, pan fried spicy dory fillet.

After that there were the traditional games (some quite silly) to play. There was some guessing game, a really lame but certainly funny show and tell. The theme of the show and tell was "Cinderella" which was really like what the fuck? to me.

But ok lah, I still did enjoy myself somewhat, laughing at the rest who played their version of Cinderella. My branch played a twisted tale of Cinderella, where Cinderella is a guy named Cinderman (ok corny name, but how can you name a guy Cinderella) . Suggestions given were Similala, Cinderpunani but we chose Cinderman in the end (limited imagination please forgive us).

So this Cinderman has a stepfather and stepbrother. We changed the story so that they main characters were mostly guys. And the stereotypical Prince of the story became the Princess instead. Not to disappoint anyone, but we did not do gay marriages. To cut the story short, it was the stepbrother who ended up marrying the Princess with some help from an evil godmother and Cinderman lived unhappily ever after doing housework.

Not the best story I can come up with but certainly it doesn't lack imagination (other than the name of our protagonist).

I wanted to post the photos we took at the restaurant but as I mentioned above I was too deep in thought that I forgot to ask my friend to send it to me.

Moral of the story:

1) Working too hard retards your brain.

2) Never do Cinderella for show and tell. It's gay. Better fairy tales suited for show and tell would be Beauty and the Beast or Snow White and the Seven Midgets Dwarves or Aladdin.


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