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Saturday, February 25, 2006

lazy to type a title.

you know, its not weird that i'm not blogging very much. it shouldn't be weird. after all, i'm the lazy bugger you know. yes the lazy bugger. bums are forever bums. i figured if there ever was a need not to sleep/eat i probably wouldn't have since i'm just so lazy.

the results are coming out next week, on the first of march to be exact. i believe everyone is shivering in their beds with their heads under the pillow as they dread the passing of each day that draws the first of march closer and closer. just like every step that leads to the gallows. full of anticipation and at the same time, fear.

all except yours truly. i think i'm too lazy to even feel fear. laziness triumphs over fear, at least in my case. actually that's just bullshit. whatever comes, comes. i'll just deal with it when it comes and predicting or thinking too much isn't going to go much anywhere.

anyways i'm going to sleep, i'm so tired my limbs are giving way.

Thursday, February 16, 2006

annoying bastards.

i just realised why although everyone yearns to earn the big bucks, but its only the selected few who really are able to do it. there's got a lot of things to do with oneself's discipline and ability to commit himself to the task. after all, how many adam khoos can there be?

earlier about an hour ago i was downstairs buying food for my lunch. it only opened at 11. of course i didn't know so i waited there til it was time. at 11, expecting the stall to open, i stood there waiting for my order to be taken. alas, no single fucking soul came to approach me to take my order. i could see that they were still preparing their kitchen and ingredients, which made me thought "what the fuck are they doing? aren't they supposed to be open at 11? they should have done this much earlier ago."

to my chagrin, i wanted to order fried rice, BUT THERE WAS NO FRIED RICE! what the hell? i mean, you open your stall in morning and you tell the customer you don't have fried rice? this is really surprising given that i was their first customer and they haven't even sold a single shit. and no fried rice. it got on my nerves and i left. but after a while i came back because i couldn't find other nicer food to eat (not that theirs are that nice in the first place). what got me even more annoyed was that they pretended i did not exist even though i stood there, waiting. they just got about doing their own stuff, talking cock and the likes. you know, stuff that lousy hawkers like them do.

what set me thinking about this was that i bet these people have "i want to earn as much money as possible" on their wishlist. but i can tell them to kiss their stupid hope goodbye. look at the way they run their business. being successful takes a ton of hardwork, dedication and excellent service, be it you are in sales or f&b or admin or the likes. most people are like that. they always hope and wish to strike it rich, half expecting that money would one day drop on their heads one fine day. i think the only think that would drop on their head is bird shit and a huge ass tree branch to crush them and their naive dreams into oblivion.

maybe it's just me that i'm used to good service. i get annoyed easily when i pay for their service and i don't get it. anyways, fuck them.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006


i haven't been blogging lately. with whatever that's left of my time before i enter the army, i'm trying to enjoy myself as much as i can. going out, looking for jobs, watching movies, playing games...whatever.

my wrist was giving me problems again. as usual. it was quite bad enough that i had to go for an x-ray. hopefully it isn't a badly healed fracture since it would give me lots of problems in the army...hai. when you get older and your body starts breaking down, this really sucks.

i haven't really been thinking much about myself these days. probably blog more over the next few days. more to come hopefully.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006


being the lazy bugger, i've not updated for quite some time. not that i really had anything to update. i'm just typing some stuff now to fill up some space, just so i know i'm still alive. *checks for pulse* yes i'm very much alive, thank you very much.

the past week was quite boring. chinese new year, what can i expect? shops closed, roads closed, everywhere closed. one word says it all: BORING. but hey, i got quite a sum from my red packets, at least i'm not going to complain about that.

life's so routine now. eat, sleep, shit, play, go out, find work/work. repeat this ad infinitum. no wonder we have sad lives. ah well, nothing we can't live without right? though i discovered another of life's small joys. shopping. yes, i do enjoy shopping alot. so what if it sounds gay/pimp-ish/whatever.

i don't know what i'm typing now, everything's an incoherent mess. valentine's day is around the corner. great news for all couples and as for singles, either get attached or get more single friends to mope with or spend it alone sulking.

anyone knows of anywhere with reasonably priced but yet great chinese/thai/anything other than western/ cuisine? drop me a message will you? thanks.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

where you they?

sometimes i wonder, where are my friends? we've already completed school (unless results prove otherwise) and everyone seems to disappear somewhere, somehow. i guess they are doing fine. i hope they are. and i hope they do think whether i am fine or not, irregardless of whether they come and ask me how's life for me now.