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Friday, September 30, 2005

the occasional dry spell.

im currently having a blogger's block, can't find the inspiration to blog about anything! at the moment i guess...

probably been too caught up with studies and stuff, i guess i don't leave much time for myself do i? i'll try to get some self reflection time every now and then, hopefully this dry spell will pass on and i can blog more.

await for more new crap...i mean blogs..=)


Tuesday, September 27, 2005

back to your heart.

man, i love those backstreet boys songs. i've been listening to them since they first came out with their first cd. and even now, i still find their songs super great. those sappy love songs. im a sucker for them. hehehehehehe. anyways, i've been recently playing this on loop over and over again. fits my melancholic mood that im having these days. haha...enjoy...

Back To Your Heart
(Kevin Richardson/Gary Baker/Jason Blume)

It's not that I can't live without you
It's just that I don't even want to try
Every night I dream about you
Ever since the day we said goodbye
If I wasn't such a fool
Right now I'd be holding you
There's nothin' that I wouldn't do
Baby if I only knew

The words to say
The road to take
To find a way back to your heart
What can I do
To get to you
And find a way back to your heart

I don't know how it got so crazy
But I'll do anything to set things right
'Cause your love is so amazing
Baby you're the best thing in my life
Let me prove my love is real
And made you feel the way I feel
I promise I would give the world
If only you would tell me girl


Give me one more chance, to give my love to you
'Cause no one on this earth loves you like I do, tell me


I turn back time
To make you mine
And find a way back to your heart
I beg and plead
Fall to my knees
To find a way back to your heart


Sunday, September 25, 2005

idiot's guide to dealing with people.

i proudly present my idiot's guide to dealing with people. seriously, i realise that there are too many idiots running amok around, and hence i feel that there is a need to know how to deal with such people. of course there are many areas in which we find idiots in, but my main topic around this idiot's guide is about meeting ups, getting stood up and the likes.

i myself have been in situations where i get stood up. like today for example. thats why i want to blog about it. but it happened quite quickly and im not really sure why it happened so i shall not get angry over it...yet. that is until i find out more lah.

anyways here's the idiot's guide to dealing with people who stood you up

#1. don't get angry first.
#2. have a simple chat with the person ( or idiot) who stood you up. ask nicely why you got stood up. you never know, the person ( or idiot) may have a very good reason (or excuse) as to why he/she/it stood you up.
#3. put yourself in the other party's shoes. what would you do in his/her/it's situation? would you do the same thing? or would you do something more?
#4. after you talk the talk, the next step depends on what was the reason (or excuse) that you got.
#5. its always important to understand the other person (or idiot) because there are real cases where there is an emergency. as a prevention to misunderstandings, always take the first assumption, when you get stood up, as that the other person (or idiot) has an emergency on hand.
#6. if the reason was a real crap excuse, by all means, do what you want, get angry, show your temper. or one of my favourite methods, the silent treatment. just plainly ignore the person and his/her/it's further lame ass excuses and any other stupid shit explanations.
#7. however if it was a real emergency, be supportive of the person, and lend your help wherever possible, you never know how much a person's help to another can be. sometimes its godsend. furthermore, you never know when you need help from others.

a short guide that i've thought of just now. i just think that whilst its very important to think for others, its also equally important that others think for you as well. its not amusing to get stood up, for the wrong things. and apparently there are many, many, many idiots out there now, who fail to understand this point. that's damn sad in my opinion.

i don't think that anyone deserves another person to wait for him/her/it for so long. not even the president lah. do you know how bad and idiotic it feels to stand or sit in a place and keep waiting? its not fun or funny at all. i personally do not wait for people for more than an hour. if the person is late, that's too bad. i'll just leave without informing the other person. even if he/she/it comes 1 hour and 1 minute after the arranged meeting time, i'll still leave.

before any of you idiots come and flame me, think about whether you yourself would wait for 1 hour. i believe that 1 hour is generous enough a period of time spent waiting. i can do better things with this 1 hour rather than wait for the likes of idiots. but i chose to do so, today. hell, some of you asses out there wont even wait 30 minutes for your friends. so yeah, shut the hell up. unless you got some emergency or you are in a coma, tell the person who is waiting for you, not to wait for you anymore as you are unable to meet him/her/it at the last minute. do so as soon as possible. don't tell the person to wait a while for you, let the person wait 40 minutes then you this idiot come and say sorry that you can't meet up le.

lan cheow, ok?

Saturday, September 24, 2005

some bitching.

just want to bitch abit, since i've got nothing much to do now that prelims are just over.

seriously, the physics paper 2 was crap, quite hard i must say, make me end up just anyhow filling in the stupid blanks. i feel damn lousy after that lah. freak the paper.

also, im damn bored!! who's gonna ask me go out? probably no one..hai sians. my life sucks now. its bland, dead, dreary and uber boring.

school will continue as per norm next week, but i see my timetable, its even more crap. come for a stupid tutorial and lecture for both monday and friday and that's the end of school? a big load of bull if you ask me. i might as well don't go school for these two days. have a three day school week, as suggested by frede.hehehehehehe. i might consider that considerably though buddy ;).

ya and tons of other shit on my mind now, some i don't feel like blogging, some i don't know how to blog about it.

yeah, signing off here now.

shit this world.

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

i want...i need...

being the lazy bugger that constitutes me, im back here to blog again. despite tmr having a paper. ok, at least i finished studying my notes twice. just had this inspiration to blog. its quite crap but just follow through if you want.

many times people always say that every other people have to many wants which do not necessarily correspond to what they need. this has resulted in too many, might i say, useless and redundant inventions, products, services and henceforth, the beginning of consumerism.

seriously, i think this is not necessarily as what these people say about those people. true, there are many fine occasions and examples where we can find concrete evidence that this is a fact. i do not disagree. but it also does not mean they're totally right in what they say. always two sides to a coin, if i were to comment.

there are times, when our wants do match what we need. to prove this, let me show you an example.

this is a short list of my personal wants. its longer but im just using this as an example you see.

#1. i want ... ....!
#2. i want my ear pierced! (to have that punk look)
#3. i want to dye my hair orange (same as #2)
#4. i want to cut a kwai lan hairstyle! (just so that the school disciplinary committee, and the school hair regulation committee, if there ever was one, would get a shock of their life and probably a heart failure as a bonus)
#5. i want to change my handphone! (its dying!)

now that that's done. here's a list of my personal needs. after much thought of course. i don't go around needing everything.

#1. i need ... ....!
#2. i need my ear pierced! (to complete my so-called punk look)
#3. i need to dye my hair orange (same as #2)
#4. i need to cut a kwai lan hairstyle! (just so that the school disciplinary committee, and the school hair regulation committee, if there ever was one, will get a shock of their life and hopefully a heart failure as a bonus)
#5. i need to change my handphone! (its dying on me. i just want to change it before it actually dies on me. at the same time, get a better phone.)

so now, there you go. a fine example to show you what we want does not always constitute that it is not what we need. some people, like me, have corresponding wants and needs. we know what we want and need exactly. ;)

disclaimer: the list of wants and needs are in no way fixed. they happened to be exactly the same. hehehehehehehe


woohoo, tmr's the end of prelims. at least for me and those taking similar combinations. time for a short, short break, just before the final home run. good luck to those who still have their bio paper on friday, and that subject labelled as "EN". i never quite knew what that was. good luck because you have to endure another day of waiting just to take that paper.

i blog more tmr when i'm totally done with the prelims. got to go study more now. anyone wants to go out? call or message me alright?

anyways on a last note, do i really look that frigging young? comments please. =)

Friday, September 16, 2005

stupid lantern festival.

stupid lantern festival. waste of my time. should be called lan-shit-tern festi-shit-val.

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

life.the road of discovery.

yeah im back for a while. lazy bugger me trying to slack a while before getting back to hit the books. maybe i might. literally. anyways, i just wanted to blog something that i got inspired again while i was on my way home after studying. as you can see from the heading, its my opinion about life. afterall it remains as my opinion, so don't take it to heart.

life.this is a word that has got many stumped for centuries. i dare say so because even til now, philosophers, scientists, religions and people from all walks of life, example like me, are still debating about what life is.a simple word it may be, but underlying it is a whole new world of abstract thinking, views and arguments.

so what is life? religious faiths claim that life is a gift of God. the existence of a transcendent being who is omnipotent and omnipresent created this world we live in, us, and every single thing that is on earth. must be a pretty darn detailed architect/designer i must say.

scientists however claim that life began from the Big Bang. literally. the world got banged into place, as dust particles coalesce and form the various galaxies, stars, planets, comets and what-have-yous. the bacteria got banged onto earth where they start mutating..i mean evolving, growing more complex more intelligent..more everything.

philosophers...well the way they discuss life is pretty abstract, even for me, so i won't type about their kind of thinking, lest i write something wrong and embarrass myself.

however, all these i stated above, is not important to me and not what i wanted to type about (haha, got you there didn't i). my take is on the present. everywhere you go, you'd always hear about how life is hard, life is crap and people are suffering in their lives. true. i've always believed that life is indeed hard. life is a life sentence upon all of us. we live just so at the end of it, we die. simple as that. the health promotion board always say, eat healthy and proper food. the government encourages people to adopt healthy lifestyles by engaging in sports and yada yada. yeah yeah, whatever the case, as i would put it simply, eat right, exercise, die anyway.isn't this the case?

of course, i still do believe in it. unfortunately or fortunately, its up to you to decide. thats my view and i will keep it this way. however, i do realise that life is also slightly more than that. i don't mean the working, studying and other mumbo-jumbo. all these things, if seen from a bird's eye view, out-of-body view..whatever views, is trivial. its like the little stones we pick along the beach and we try to skim it across the water surface and see whether is can make how many bounces before it sinks.

life is a road of discovery. we discover things every single day. about our surroundings, about others, and more importantly about ourselves. there are so many discoveries we make and so many more waiting to be made. the number is staggering. i've always asked myself questions like "why am i here for? to study? to know and get girlfriends? what am i doing?" all these stuff. through these, i tend to think alot and i try to give myself answers where i can. and of course, i discover things about myself that i never noticed before.

everyday, i discover myself in various ways, in some ways a bastard, in other ways abnormal etc. the things that we do or occur in our life have an impact, if we just pay more attention to it. i think this is amazing because it helps me to relate to myself, sometimes i ask myself why am i such a bastard for the things i do, of course, sometimes i do do good stuff, even if i do say so myself.

i think there is only one word to explain it. change.

change is constant. the only constant thing is change. sounds cliche but yeah you get the point. through change we discover ourselves. we even make new discoveries about ourselves. at some point in life, you'll be thinking why are you like that the way you are now when you weren't like this before. maybe now you're dumb when you aren't last time or you're handsome or cute now (like me) if you weren't last time (not like me) get the idea.

such an integral part of our lives is the concept of change that we structure our we condition ourselves to change. we discovered change, and we change to discover. it is a driving force that keeps us on our toes, on our never ending journey on this road of discovery that we call life, at least until we stop and die lah.

Saturday, September 10, 2005

away from blog

i realised i have not been blogging these days. probably have a blogger's blog, oops i mean a blogger's block or something. anyways i will be away from blog for a next couple of weeks. prelims are coming, gotta pia and study hard man. same goes to all those taking prelims soon. study hard. take care and good luck. may the (work x distance) be with you.


Tuesday, September 06, 2005

food for thought.

i was wondering about the A levels today, like why am i studying so hard for the A levels and stuff (of course the answer is to proceed to the university). i happened to think about other stuff like the university of cambridge. as we all know, we take exams that are from the UCLES, or in other words the University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate. both for the O levels and the A levels.

according to, a syndicate is defined as "An association of people or firms authorized to undertake a duty or transact specific business" or also "An association of people or firms formed to engage in an enterprise or promote a common interest" . however, a syndicate can also be defined as "A loose affiliation of gangsters in control of organized criminal activities". this makes me wonder sometimes what is cambridge up to.

but to be honest, calling them a group of criminals is too harsh a term, even for them. more accurately, i prefer calling them problem makers (pun intended). they love to give us problems to solve, in mathematics, physics, chemistry and whatever problem solving subjects available (no, chinese is NOT a problem solving subject). of course this is natural, as it is part of their job. they're paid by our government to give us problems (again, pun intended). maybe they love doing it, im not sure.

so why do i say they're problems makers? you see, the problems we get not only exist in those papers that we take in order to "gauge" our proficiency in the particular subject (more like a gauge of how much brain power or rather how much brain enhancing pills we took), but also exist in real life too. the problems comes in all shapes and sizes. most noticeably, is the stress that it gives to students like you and me. maybe more of me, im not exactly smart you see. now, that is a real problem because stress in us manifests itself in various forms. it causes some people to start muttering to themselves, some people to start talking unintelligibly, usually hearing many foreign terms like pi, pico, nano and all sorts of mumbo-jumbo, some people to break down and more.

the more serious problems are like kids who attempt suicide, usually successful ones i might say, due to the fact that they couldn't cope with the pace of studying or the workload that is dumped on top of them. wow, actually the more i say, the more it sounds like cambridge is a organization of terrorists who attack this black-dot-on-the-global-map (need i say more) with somewhat unique and different methods. methods which are meant to destabilise the society, trying to break it down causing the people to kill themselves due to stress and such. man, they don't even need to risk their lives to blow themselves up just to blow up more people or property. all they need to do is just give us problem solving papers and kids will start jumping off buildings or anywhere they can jump off. what a great and ingenious move, if the kids die out, then this black-dot-on-the-global-map will die eventually because there won't be any young generations left to propagate and continue the survival of the country.

that's awesome. seriously some food for thought.

ps: these are just my crap views. please do not go around spreading and saying that this is the truth.


Sunday, September 04, 2005

walking upon memory lane.

as i just finished my dinner now, i realised how fast time passes, not only for me but for everyone else as well. in a blink of an eye, im right here with the prelims almost at the doorsteps and the A levels not far behind. that's really fast, and after that it'll be another chapter in my life, another turning point, another new experience.

so i thought back a little about myself when i was just a scrawny little runt. happy-go-lucky, having the fun of my life every single day, fascinated by everything, even simple things playing with ants or just playing with toys. i was just unperturbed by the world around me and i lived in my own world of fun, laughter and joy.

i remember the times when i went out with my parents. those trips were by far, few and rare and it was an outing to look forward to as i would pester them for new toys, heheheheheh. but it was also an outing to look forward to as i could go out and have fun, see new things which i would have never ever imagined possible (at that age of course, who would think of stuff like continum transfunctioner?).

i remember the times i spent playing with all my other kiddo friends, some of whom i still keep in contact until now (wow, my kiddo brain can actually remember them). we would play at the nearby playground, or at the sand pit and just basically have fun playing like what every other kid does. now when i see these friends along the road when im out, some looks so grown up and stuff, brings back some nostalgic feelings as well as melancholy, of a time that has passed so long ago and would never come back.

i also remember how childish i was as a scrawny little runt. i used to like doodling on faces in the newspapers, usually faces of celebrities, maybe the occasional minister, but yes celebrities are much more interesting. with just a marker in hand, it served as a tool to past time for me and my friends as we doodled and laughed together at our hilarious works. now when you see kids doing it, we just think "kids these days, vandalising at such a young age" when we ourselves are a mirror image of them at that age. probably this must be the so called grown-up kind of thinking. (i prefer to call it the adult conspiracy)

some other things i enjoyed doing were like looking at the obituary section of the newspapers with my friends and laugh at how ugly/silly/stupid looking those people in there were. call me sadist. call me stupid and insensitive to the feelings of others. its true that i am, now that i look back at it. and silly of me too. but i still think some in there look ugly/stupid/silly.

time was something that i did not think of when i was young. i believed i had all the time in the world. and because of such a mentality, i did things which i know i shouldn't do but did it anyway. of course most were harmless little things, but some, really changed my life, the way i lead my life, my thoughts and my whole being. they really impacted me that much (i can't recall which ones, there are quite alot). i don't want to say that if i could go back in time, i would not do those things. no. i believe that every man is responsible for his actions, his speech, and himself. i appreciated that those things came, because they make me who i am now, good and bad. how people want to judge me, pass their comments or views on me, is none of my business.

right now, i just want to say i love everyone who is in my life, irregardless of whether you made a significant impact on me or not. i still love those who left my life, and these people sum up to quite a big number. the pains of separation and leaving is inevitable. it is a part of growing up. i understand this fact, yet my heart has never grown accustomed to it. in fact, as the older i become and the more i understand of this unchanging fact, the greater the feeling i have in my heart when it occurs. really tears me apart, and i feel so helpless. a great big thank you to those in my life now or at some point in time. thanks for the lessons, big or small, for they are what make and break me. i also want to say "i love you" to many many people. there's too many so i'll just not name them. many of these people i love do not know so because i do not show it to them, some being very close to me. its not that i don't want to show, i do not know how to. sorry, thank you and i love you.

Saturday, September 03, 2005


that's it. its official. im ill. once again. that's real great man, now that prelims are in like 9 days? really sad, pathetic life of mine. mugging day in day out, all for a piece of paper (i don't want to say its crap or anything, because its my ticket to university, much as i hate to admit it).

at least the sore throat's not so bad now, just that it got replaced by this uber-sized ulcer. i think its trying to take over my lower lip. turn it into a huge mass of ugly looking ulcer. maybe i'll turn into a huge ucler myself! hmm, not a bad idea given that i think my life now sucks. still in the downtime at the moment, don't know when i'll be moving up. not anywhere soon i guess.

-insert i-am-sian-diao look-

Friday, September 02, 2005


well, in the process of some slight slacking and i just thought of updating my blog slightly. as you can see, i've just added a tag board [just for your convenience]. feel free to post any comments/opinions/feelings/whatever-you-wanna-say. yeah but please do not abuse it and spam or something alright? that having said, do feel free to use the comments as well. i will always check on the comments too. thanks alot, i'll slowly add more other stuff in a while, the next probably being a winamp player.have a nice day =). cheers.