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Thursday, December 29, 2005

gah. outdated update

whoah, i managed to recover from a bout of spyware attacks on my computer through system restore. probably there are many more trojans and spyware hidden deep within the files but ah what the hell, i shall not be bothered with it as long as it doesn't surface. as dexun would say, "aiya hiew lan it lah, scan or don't scan also still have."

yesterday had a great shopping day with pei wen. i also found a job at energie eyecare, a company over at the ministry of national development building selling this device that reduces myopia and improves vision. to say the least, the pay itself is ridiculously good. but i'll keep quiet about that, not sure whether they're still hiring but anyone looking for a job can try to give them a call.

i bought a pair of levis 505 regular straight cut jeans waist size 28 for only $52.40. how cheap is that?!! granted the 505 may be a old make, but still, its not everyday that you can buy a pair of levis for only $52.40.

i'll start my traineeship from tomorrow and there's prom tomorrow as well! finally here it comes, getting somewhat bored from waiting for it. actually i'm kind of bored to go prom since there's nothing much i can do there. eat, talk, drink, take photos. what else? and i also can't go for the countdown with the rest since i'll need to work on saturday. suxxor!!!111 but well..the pay's good...too good to be true in fact...

i also watched the chronicles of narnia with a big fat ass on tuesday. leena' big now lah. eat and eat and eat. and complain that she's big, what crap. but anyways, the movie was good, although some parts were annoyingly irritating/irritatingly annoying. sis says she wants to buy the books. great idea! but not now though because with all the hype around it'll definitely inflate the prices of the books. and i can read them as well...hehehehehehehehehe. that was a fun day out with fatty since we haven't seen each other for godzilla years.

school's starting. happy studying! hehehehehehehehehe

happy working/money earning to me. =D

p.s. i'm such a jackass but i love it!

Monday, December 26, 2005

this the season of great great sales, fa la la la la la la...

its post-christmas now, and i bet everywhere stores and shoppers alike, are preparing for a major, major and i mean major year end sales. probably up to 70% discounts in many places. ah well, i don't have money so too bad for me.

2006 is approaching soon. a new year for all of us, guys to ns, girls to work (or slack) and the rest back to our normal, boring (oops) life. hopefully the things we have made in this year will keep us accompany for the rest of our lives. i know some impacted me alot. this is not the time to think of all the "what ifs", this is not the time to think of all the "if onlys". this is the time, to think of what you want to do next year to better improve ourselves, as well as wrap up the shit we made this year. big or small, they're still shit and its definitely better to do something to improve on it. i know i can. haha.

i'm looking forward to national service next year! hopefully the training won't be as slack as some of my dudes that have already went in said. slack training is what makes people hate national service i think. ok, at least it applies to me.

there are many things i want to blog about, but not at the moment..some i do not have the words for it. hehe..

on a last note, do i look pretty? hell! everyone's been telling me that yesterday? look pretty meh? the previous post makes me look normal what. *mutters*...

Sunday, December 25, 2005


yeahh, happy christmas to all and a soon-to-be merry new year as well. it was crazy everywhere, yesterday and today. crazy sales and even crazier crowds everywhere, especially in town. yesterday night was really crazy. i spent 20 minutes trying to cross from ngee ann city to the orchard mrt station. a mere...500m? took such a long time to cross. to say its crowded is an understatement. it was more like a battlefield out there. spray cans littered the whole place and everyone spraying everyone else with the foam shit. miraculously all the spray cans were cleared by today. probably the police spent the night clearing it. good job police!

well today was quite a normal day, only met up with fred bro and went to sim lim to walk around, inquired about his camera before heading down to town to look for presents for pei wen. found some rather unique yeah wahaha.

had steamboat over at amanda's place earlier. a lovely, simple dinner and i drank abit of beer. now my head hurts. think i'll go sleep soon.

Friday, December 23, 2005

new hairstyle, new hair colour, same old spectacles

ok as promised here are the photos that i took yesterday and i've just uploaded it. new hairstyle, new hair colour, same old spectacles. *mutters* got to do something about that though...

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the colours are not pretty obvious in the photos because they were taken at night. its actually dark brown, not black with copper highlights that look really orange. see the real person for the real effect. hehe

Thursday, December 22, 2005

22nd december 2005

yeahh just dyed (did i spell it correctly) my hair today. some dark brown base with copper somethings highlights and a uber cool hairstyle (i like can le). i'll take photos and post it up later on. it was a bomb spent to do my hair (not the kaboooom kind, but the ka-ching! ka-ching! kind of bomb). well sandstorm monsoon is relatively cool. the seat i got even had a small screen for my viewing pleasure. i do not mean porn please you horny buggers out there. i was treated to the movie cat woman, while waiting for my hair to absorb the colours.

but it was quite tiring and i almost fell asleep a few times. don't know why these days i feel so tired in the morning and afternoons and feel so damn awake at night. *mutters* i must be nocturnal...

anyways something freaky just happened. i was checking friendster and apparently a guy by the name jimmy sent me a smile and when i checked his profile...guess what? he's interested in relationships with men and dating men! whoah! a gay!!

but come to think about it, either its that i'm pretty to him or he just happen to see my profile and just send a smile, just for fun. either way, its a great boost to whatever ego i have. attract guys leh. how many people can boast that?

last note, chronicles of narnia came out today! damn i can't watch it til next week...

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

so far.

yep, i'm going to quit working at g2000 soon. time to look for another job. why quit you ask me? because the working hours are crap i tell you. i was looking at my schedule the other day, to my horror/disbelieve/amazement, i'm going to get all 6 - 11pm shifts for the time i'm left there. how sucky can that get? and get this thing, i'm working in town and not some place there is near and accessible to my home. quite the opposite in fact. the only cheap transport home available to me would be to take the 143 bus at the stop nearest to Heeren, which lasts for an hour. great, an hour wasted on traveling so that would make reaching home to be about 12.30a.m. or so. ah well, i'm only working til this saturday. the manager told me i'd have to work til the 26th, which is the coming monday and i told her great, i'd be happy to work til then. of course its great! the 26th is my off day and since i already got off on the 25th, this means i would only have to work til the 24th which is this saturday. hehehehehehehehe, she didn't realise what she did. poor thing.

anyways, another thing i'd like to take note of for myself, which is something i observed. i recently have not read the papers with the same intensity or fervor as i used to. probably because devouring news in the past had a link with enhancing my general knowledge for general paper. now, there's no need for that anymore. haha. also, there's nothing much to read in the papers or rather, the news have become relatively uninteresting and bland. most articles are on the fervant blasting of the old NKF management and how suxxor!!!111 it is. luckily bastards like never trust the NKF since time memorial and i've never been a sucker to donate to them. charitable organizations in the home state are simply not as charitable as they seem to be.

a good recent example would be yesterday. as i was heading to heeren with yihao, weijie and gabriel, we were stopped by a few young and apparently immature girls (who are trying to act mature with their mascara and eyeliner). they wanted to get us to donate by buying a shitass 10 dollar keychain in the shape of a canned drink such as Coca-Cola, Pepsi, 7-Up and the likes. asthetically speaking, the keychains are a disgrace and sight to behold. they are not constructed well and looked as if the can body was made from leftover party poppers. and so these few girls were trying to act mature and cooing incessantly and persistently to get us to either buy the bloody keychain (a general rip-off) or donate 2 dollars for some unknown charitable organisation. while we manage to hem and haw our way out of the situation, yihao did ask them if they receive commission for the keychains they sold and a voice from nowhere (funny how it appears) said that they only receive commission for every 80 dollars they raised (cheated is a better word). upon hearing that, we could only politely tell them to screw off (f*** off rather).

singapore isn't so charitable. come on, you gotta admit it.

flower language is way not cool.

funny how these days people like to pepper their conversations (by conversations i mean messaging on the msn or through sms) with tons of additional...what i would called flowery language. of course, at the onset of such widespread influence of the media as well as peers, it is not surprising to see such flowery language (maybe i should call it the flower language) popping up everywhere. sounds like the hippies in the 60s eh?

at first it was a pretty standard form of jargon that was commonly used by people, namely girls and some kiddos. kiddos as in boys who do not act their age (whether it is acting younger or older - i.e. being childish) or really young boys who know nothing better.

as time passes the flower language slowly starts to evolve itself, with more variations and even more flowery stuff coming out here, there and basically everywhere. maybe you are confused by what i am talking about here. so let me give you an example.

me: yo what's up? i'm bored...
hippie wannabe: hahaz/hahax, boredz/boredx arhx/arhz..go out lorx/lorhz/norz/nor/norx

me: go out? nah...i don't have money spend now.
hippie wannabe: lolz/lolx, denx/denz/go sleep or what lohz/lohx/lorx/lorz/lorhz...

see what i mean by flower language now? the words are stuck on with these frilly bits, in an attempt to make them look nicer? wow, what a cool concept. but as much as i applaud it for its creativity (it has to come from someone's creativity what, if not how would it even exist?), it is nevertheless an excellent way to irritate a person. hahaz.

to be honest, the above excerpt on an imaginary conversation actually should be deemed as the basic level of the flower language. the more advanced level, or more power level of the flower language would be this. iMaGiNe iF I sTaRt TyPiNg In BiG AnD sMaLl fOnTs WHicH mAkE rEAdiNg sUcH a bITch. nOt To mEnTiOn taT sHoRTfOrMs ArE pRaCtICalLy aBUsEd n uSeD aT eVerY oPpOrTuNiTy aVaiLaBle. BcUz i lIkE iT tIs wAyzZz mAaxXx. hAhAzx.

more than five minutes was used up to demonstrate that example of 3 lines/38 words. its a wonder we are able to adapt to such confusing jargon. again, demonstrating the human's ability to adapt and survive. surely, if we do not adapt, i predict a worldwide phenomenon..actually a nationwide phenomenon of red eyes, increased shortsightedness as well as cases of people turning blind. hahaz. bCUz i lIkE iT tIs wAyzZz mAaxXx. hAhAhAHaHazXz.

Sunday, December 18, 2005

a disgruntled and bloated part timer.

yeah and i just reached home. had dinner at mum's place with pei wen. as usual, the food there was awesome, a seafood buffet..simply great..or is it? and the usual me gorged on all the delicious food laid out there. not my fault what. they're just lying there waiting for me to eat them up ma. as a result, had a badly bloated up stomach (don't know why my appetite these days are soooo small, dammit) which i resorted to using lousy means to solve (read: self induced puking). anyways thanks to mum for that wonderful dinner.

i'd also want to kaopeh about my current job. SUXXOR!!11. working at g2000 sucks! totally! the working hours are crap and the pay sucks, for the kind of workload i get. seriously i work 2pm - 11pm almost every time i work, i hardly get the morning shift and i can never negotiate over the timetable. what the hell! i'm only a part timer, not a full timer. this is real crap, i really want to get a change of job. it is not to say i dislike the work there but honestly, i rather under-work than over-work for that kind of measly shit pay.

my manager is definitely scheming to work me to death la. i just saw my timetable and i realised i have a full shift sometime next week. huh?!?! a part timer working full shift? hopefully those other jobs which i had applied while i was working at g2000 would give me a god-sent call and liberate me from this madness. truly madness.

signing out.

roar. =(

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

kong, the eighth wonder of the world!

this is seriously a great movie not to be missed ladies and gentlemen. i went for the preview movie yesterday all thanks to free preview tickets from uncle. went with pei wen, frede and sumei and had tickets for sarah and her boyfriend and xinrui and her boyfriend. the movie, with all its hype, was not a disappointment. it was great and director peter jackson delivered another great movie once again.

the movie was slightly longer than 3 hours and there were lots of action lah. especially when driscoll went to save the female lead, ann. but what i was most impressed by the movie was not only the landscape and action (i bet cgi was used in massive dosages) but rather the way director peter jackson captured the feeling at a particular moment in the different scenes. for example, fear was the emotion that i could feel most significantly when the ship entered the foggy area in the sea and everyone was listening and looking out for rocks and walls.

also what set me off thinking also was that the ship's entire crew set off to rescue ann when she was taken away by the big kong himself/herself/itself (not sure whether its a male or not, there are no signs of any reproductive organs). i think this is what we call humanity as the crew braved all sorts of dangers, from vicious dinosaurs to huge ass creepy crawlies and king kong too, not to miss it.

indeed it was the beauty that killed the beast, as denham played by jack black said, when king kong died a tragic death, falling from the top of the empire state building.

truly a magnificent movie and yet another great production by director peter jackson. kudos to the man.

p.s. there were several funny areas, such as the fact that skull island was said to be uninhabited by man, yet there were natives there. so they are not humans? then what? maybe they think they are kong's children since they're so black, but so it mr. hayes what (first mate of the ship) what. he is a black guy lehs.

another one would be the fact that new york city is SO brightly lit when the ship was leaving at the start of the movie. too brightly lit in my opinion that it doesn't look like the era in which the movie was set, presumably the industrial revolution. you have to watch the movie for yourself to know what i am talking about ;)

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

the shit wars part 2

diary of a particular white blood cell soldier. again.

day 3 (today):
things seem to get better these days. ever since the reinforcement from yesterday, the GBA's been getting stronger and stronger by the minute. hell, the soldiers didn't even experienced excruciating butt pain last night. the anti-diarrhoea devices and painkiller bombs worked like magic. we're starting to push back Darth Shititious's forces back even more. guess tomorrow will be the final battle...

Monday, December 12, 2005

the shit wars part 1

diary log of a particular white blood cell soldier

day 1 (yesterday):

the GBA (Gene's Body Armada) was completely crushed by Darth Shitious. had to retreat back to the safety of the toilet not once, not twice, not thrice but six times. how shitty can that get? set up temporary camp in the toilet.

began to fight back in the afternoon. Darth Shitious is being pushed back ever so slightly. the GBA has a chance of winning!...

...yeah right, Darth Shitious struck back with an ambush that got us the GBA scrambling for the toilet seat four times. shivering with shit in our pants as we did sentry rounds at night for fear of a night attack. nobody dared to clean up.

day 2 (today):

reinforcements came from the outermost part of the shitty galaxy two million light years away (a.k.a. the doctor). painkiller bombs and anti-diarrhoea devices were dropped along with more white blood cell soldiers. things are looking good for the GBA now...

Sunday, December 11, 2005

so sad.

wah kao...i still don't feel any better from yesterday. if any, i feel worse! its only morning and i already went to the toilet 5 times! hai, i think i'm gonna shit until i die and i'll die a lonely death because there's no one at home right now. my stomach hurts. my ass hurts. sobs.

and today is the first day of work for me! simply stunning, i can't even walk properly, let alone entertain customers. what a joke. i found a job yesterday just to lose it today. i don't think i can turn up for work. sians, first day of work and i can't go, surely get sacked one loh. i mean where in the world have you heard of a person not attending first day of work? its simply, absolutely nonsense. even though i encourage workers' welfare but this is definitely not acceptable, even for myself

how how how...maybe i just rot and die at home lah.

stupid diarrhoea.


*pumping that glass of hot water*

Saturday, December 10, 2005

i am ill!! but i found work

crap. i am not feeling well. =.= had a diarrhoea attack just now while i was in town. as a result me and pei wen had to give the nydc ice cream dessert a miss. anyways she was quite tired and her mum was asking her to head home earlier, so probably we'll go for the dessert another day. i'm really quite unlucky lah. i really did not expect myself to have diarrhoea.

what i meant was that i only thought i was suffering from abdominal muscle ache and not diarrhoea. that "whoah oh my god i think i'm gonna crap in my pants" diarrhoea. yes that kind. =.=

earlier i had dinner at pastamania. bad move! the pasta only serve as a catalyst to speed up the reaction of getting the diarrhoea sensation. really bad move. but ah well, i can't really blame anyone since no one, not even me, to suffer diarrhoea. *grumbles* and i thought it was just abdominal muscle ache...

but anyways the good thing is that i found work at g2000 today over at ngeen ann city. all thanks to pei wen. ^^. and i'm starting working tomorrow. which meant the diarrhoea really came at a wrong time. well, at least i took some chee-na medicine and hopefully tomorrow i'll feel much better (i really hope i do! diarrhoeas suxxor!!!11) so i can work the full shift.

*hums* money money money..must be money...

got 8 free preview tickets to king kong this coming tuesday. woohoo!!

Friday, December 09, 2005

one day late post

i wanted to blog yesterday but my body was in too much pain to do anything. even lying down hurts. my whole body was like dying or something. my chest, back and abs hurt like hell!! didn't have much of an appetite because i think my stomach was compressed. =.= bloody hell. first time in so many months that i was in such excruciating pain. yesterday i only went for one job interview before i headed home le. it was too painful to walk.

luckily, today i feel so much better. i think my appetite is slightly back and yeah i can walk around more, although my back and abs is such a bitch as still hurts quite a bit. maybe this is a realisation of my own body breaking down...dying...

think i'll search for more jobs today.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

groggy and stoned.

crap, i don't know why these days i keep getting so tired easily. i wake up feeling so groggy and tired and stoned. quite stoned. i think it's probably because i keep having dreams for the past few days. and didn't sleep well as a result. quite vivid dreams i must say, but i can't remember what they are now.

this sucks, what if i go mad?

haha. whatever, i don't really care what happens to me now anyways. =)

just my dumb luck

and so what a day i had today. i think i'm really down on my luck today. like everything bad is waiting to happen, all at once, on today. crap.

first i headed down to mohd sultan road for a job trying since the lady boss called me yesterday night. the weather was freaggin hot and every step i take made me perspire. all was well, until i reached her place. to my dismay she was not in, even though she told me to meet her at 2pm. stun! but then i was early so i waited, and waited, and waited...anyways i left at 2.10pm because i can't be that bothered anymore. you might say i'm impatient but then again, she was the one who wanted to hire me (probably because i went for the interview over a week ago and she calls me now) and she was late. also mum said it wasn't going to be easy working at a home decor shop because it'd be hard to sell off the products and she said my sis worked at a similar place before and it wasn't easy.

fine, so i headed down to town to apply for a job at newurbanmale since pei wen told me they were looking for staff, specifically male staff. upon filling up the job application form, i called pei wen and told her about it. then i told her i wrote in there that i didn't have any retail sales experience, and she told me i should have written that i did as it would be more to my advantage. the more i think about what she said, i couldn't agree more, but it didn't occur to me to lie at that point in time. i mean, lying or not, who really cares? people don't have morals these days. what's important is you get the job or not, that's what most people think i believe.

then the worst thing that could happen to me was having the bloody sole of my shoe coming off. it happened when i was walking back to heeren. felt super sian diao by then lah. like everything bad just had to happen today. me half limping half walking down to centrepoint with pei wen where i got a pair of new shoes, which made me feel slightly better then.

later on we watched chicken little. though it was quite a short movie (1 1/2 hours only), it was rather funny. i enjoyed it alot...and of course the company lah.

ok i feel even much better now.

stupid shoe.

Saturday, December 03, 2005


yep, i'm here again doing another review of myself. i've been quite busy these days and i'm not really sure why. probably because i'm out hunting for jobs as well as trying to enjoy myself. felt rather tired these days. and sians. more sians than before the exams. i've been thinking why is it so...

these days i seem to get more and more comments about myself from people. mainly from those who don't really know me. the general comments are that i'm a bastard, not a good guy, ugly piece of shit and whatever you have it. well, i can't blame them since everyone's entitled to their own opinions. and i don't really care about what these people think about me since they don't know me personally or if they do, they just don't know me that well. that's all

but after a while, it gets to me. as in, i'll start to think why would they bother to say such things about me unless they have a grudge against me or something. first things first, i've never said i was handsome or a non-bastard. in fact, it's the opposite. i do put myself down. i say i'm ugly (which is of course true) and i do say i'm a bastard and i'm mean (yes these are definitely true). so you people with your loudmouth comments can keep it for yourselves. i know i already am those things. and by the way, take a good look in the mirror yourself. you're pretty fugly too.

just feel tired of getting this shit from people. i didn't do anything to them nor did i talk to them or said anything offensive towards or about them (maybe that's why they have a grudge against me? maybe i should say something offensive towards them). haha.

so can anyone tell me how to deal with it?

i think my life in Singapore has ended.

day at the beach.

ya-ha! had a cool day at the beach with leena and frede. went cycling and slacked at the beach. it was quite relaxing larhs. and i almost forgot as well, merry birthday darius! you're now 18 le buddy. haha. finally can buy your own booze. i shall post the photos we took at the beach at a later time since frede is leaving for malaysia. cheerios. =)

Thursday, December 01, 2005

a dedicated happy birthday post

today's the birthday of my good (but fat) friend, leena! woohoo! merry fattiest birthday yet! i knew you since the start of the year, but wow, it was seriously cool to know you lah. yeah i'm like writing a testimonial for you here but who cares. haha. hope you will have the best time of your life from now on (i don't see how you can do that), enjoy your relationship (hehehehehehehehe), and basically being yourself and living the way you want to live. and the dreams and ambitions you have, just go for it. i'm sure you can do it. here's some photos of yours. (all of us look weird in it k)

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there's the fugly me, fred and leena. but i'm not sure why she looks like that though. so different! hahaha. maybe the burger made her sleepy. and she has such a funny tan in the photo. ah well, what the heck. the main point of this post is just to say: merry 17th birthday fat hippo! =)